Hello, parents and carers!
Welcome to our Year 6 page!
Here you can find information on what your child is learning in school and how you can help your child learn. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us either at the end of the school day or via the school office.
Miss Idris & Miss Gooing
Key Information
· PE Days – Thursdays and Fridays (except when we are swimming which will begin Nov 12th and replace Thursday’s PE session). Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing for PE and the time of year, as well as suitable footwear. If your child is currently not able to tie their own laces, please practise this at home. PE kit is still to be worn to school as per last year. Please ensure your child wears follows the PE uniform policy.
· Swimming – Tuesdays (This will begin on Nov 12th) Please ensure pupils bring their swimming kits (goggles if they have given in a goggles permission slip) No jewellery is to be worn, unless it is religious jewellery and a slip has been signed.
· Homework – Will be given out every Friday and is due in on Wednesday. All homework will be explained before given, and will focus on the learning we will have completed within the week, so nothing should be a surprise. This year, the focus will be on SATs style questions. It is imperative that every child completes all homework.
· Reading Diaries – at the end of last year, all children were asked to bring in their yellow reading diaries. These will be re-issued at the end of the first week back with the expectation they are signed by an adult at home (or sibling) at least 3x a week. You do not need to write a lengthy note about what pages have been read or what you discussed (though you can if you like), just write the date, book title and sign.
· We have a huge focus on reading at Linden and we want your child to be able to practise the reading skills taught during our shared and guided reading. Your support with home reading is crucial to ensure the success of your child, and to encourage a love for reading. Diaries will be monitored. Dojo points will be given for those who keep their diaries up to date.
· Spelling Shed (or Edshed)– spelling tasks will be set on a weekly basis. Logins will be reissued for this year. Please ensure that your child is regularly logging on and completing these tasks to ensure accurate spelling which is key to achieving the national standard in writing.
· Handwriting – Linden has a new handwriting scheme called Letter Join. Each pupil has a log in. Children must practice joining and forming letters regularly. To make the national standard, pupils must form letters legibly, with speed and fluency.
· PPA – Year 6 teachers will have their PPA day each alternative Friday. During this time, your child will be taught by Mr Knibbs and Mrs Joshi. PE will still be taught so PE kits will be needed to be worn as normal.
· Water bottles – We no longer use plastic cups in school to help reduce plastic waste. Please send your child into school with a labelled water bottle. It is important your child has access to water throughout the day. Reminder – only water should be brought into school.
Useful Links
The links below will take you to useful websites that will support your child's learning.
Hello, parents and carers!
Welcome to our Year 6 page!
Here you can find information on what your child is learning in school and how you can help your child learn. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us either at the end of the school day or via the school office.
Miss Idris & Miss Gooing
Key Information
· PE Days – Thursdays and Fridays (except when we are swimming which will begin Nov 12th and replace Thursday’s PE session). Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing for PE and the time of year, as well as suitable footwear. If your child is currently not able to tie their own laces, please practise this at home. PE kit is still to be worn to school as per last year. Please ensure your child wears follows the PE uniform policy.
· Swimming – Tuesdays (This will begin on Nov 12th) Please ensure pupils bring their swimming kits (goggles if they have given in a goggles permission slip) No jewellery is to be worn, unless it is religious jewellery and a slip has been signed.
· Homework – Will be given out every Friday and is due in on Wednesday. All homework will be explained before given, and will focus on the learning we will have completed within the week, so nothing should be a surprise. This year, the focus will be on SATs style questions. It is imperative that every child completes all homework.
· Reading Diaries – at the end of last year, all children were asked to bring in their yellow reading diaries. These will be re-issued at the end of the first week back with the expectation they are signed by an adult at home (or sibling) at least 3x a week. You do not need to write a lengthy note about what pages have been read or what you discussed (though you can if you like), just write the date, book title and sign.
· We have a huge focus on reading at Linden and we want your child to be able to practise the reading skills taught during our shared and guided reading. Your support with home reading is crucial to ensure the success of your child, and to encourage a love for reading. Diaries will be monitored. Dojo points will be given for those who keep their diaries up to date.
· Spelling Shed (or Edshed)– spelling tasks will be set on a weekly basis. Logins will be reissued for this year. Please ensure that your child is regularly logging on and completing these tasks to ensure accurate spelling which is key to achieving the national standard in writing.
· Handwriting – Linden has a new handwriting scheme called Letter Join. Each pupil has a log in. Children must practice joining and forming letters regularly. To make the national standard, pupils must form letters legibly, with speed and fluency.
· PPA – Year 6 teachers will have their PPA day each alternative Friday. During this time, your child will be taught by Mr Knibbs and Mrs Joshi. PE will still be taught so PE kits will be needed to be worn as normal.
· Water bottles – We no longer use plastic cups in school to help reduce plastic waste. Please send your child into school with a labelled water bottle. It is important your child has access to water throughout the day. Reminder – only water should be brought into school.
Useful Links
The links below will take you to useful websites that will support your child's learning.
Hello, parents and carers!
Welcome to our Year 6 page!
Here you can find information on what your child is learning in school and how you can help your child learn. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us either at the end of the school day or via the school office.
Miss Idris & Miss Gooing
Key Information
· PE Days – Thursdays and Fridays (except when we are swimming which will begin Nov 12th and replace Thursday’s PE session). Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing for PE and the time of year, as well as suitable footwear. If your child is currently not able to tie their own laces, please practise this at home. PE kit is still to be worn to school as per last year. Please ensure your child wears follows the PE uniform policy.
· Swimming – Tuesdays (This will begin on Nov 12th) Please ensure pupils bring their swimming kits (goggles if they have given in a goggles permission slip) No jewellery is to be worn, unless it is religious jewellery and a slip has been signed.
· Homework – Will be given out every Friday and is due in on Wednesday. All homework will be explained before given, and will focus on the learning we will have completed within the week, so nothing should be a surprise. This year, the focus will be on SATs style questions. It is imperative that every child completes all homework.
· Reading Diaries – at the end of last year, all children were asked to bring in their yellow reading diaries. These will be re-issued at the end of the first week back with the expectation they are signed by an adult at home (or sibling) at least 3x a week. You do not need to write a lengthy note about what pages have been read or what you discussed (though you can if you like), just write the date, book title and sign.
· We have a huge focus on reading at Linden and we want your child to be able to practise the reading skills taught during our shared and guided reading. Your support with home reading is crucial to ensure the success of your child, and to encourage a love for reading. Diaries will be monitored. Dojo points will be given for those who keep their diaries up to date.
· Spelling Shed (or Edshed)– spelling tasks will be set on a weekly basis. Logins will be reissued for this year. Please ensure that your child is regularly logging on and completing these tasks to ensure accurate spelling which is key to achieving the national standard in writing.
· Handwriting – Linden has a new handwriting scheme called Letter Join. Each pupil has a log in. Children must practice joining and forming letters regularly. To make the national standard, pupils must form letters legibly, with speed and fluency.
· PPA – Year 6 teachers will have their PPA day each alternative Friday. During this time, your child will be taught by Mr Knibbs and Mrs Joshi. PE will still be taught so PE kits will be needed to be worn as normal.
· Water bottles – We no longer use plastic cups in school to help reduce plastic waste. Please send your child into school with a labelled water bottle. It is important your child has access to water throughout the day. Reminder – only water should be brought into school.
Useful Links
The links below will take you to useful websites that will support your child's learning.
Hello, parents and carers!
Welcome to our Year 6 page!
Here you can find information on what your child is learning in school and how you can help your child learn. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us either at the end of the school day or via the school office.
Miss Idris & Miss Gooing
Key Information
· PE Days – Thursdays and Fridays (except when we are swimming which will begin Nov 12th and replace Thursday’s PE session). Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing for PE and the time of year, as well as suitable footwear. If your child is currently not able to tie their own laces, please practise this at home. PE kit is still to be worn to school as per last year. Please ensure your child wears follows the PE uniform policy.
· Swimming – Tuesdays (This will begin on Nov 12th) Please ensure pupils bring their swimming kits (goggles if they have given in a goggles permission slip) No jewellery is to be worn, unless it is religious jewellery and a slip has been signed.
· Homework – Will be given out every Friday and is due in on Wednesday. All homework will be explained before given, and will focus on the learning we will have completed within the week, so nothing should be a surprise. This year, the focus will be on SATs style questions. It is imperative that every child completes all homework.
· Reading Diaries – at the end of last year, all children were asked to bring in their yellow reading diaries. These will be re-issued at the end of the first week back with the expectation they are signed by an adult at home (or sibling) at least 3x a week. You do not need to write a lengthy note about what pages have been read or what you discussed (though you can if you like), just write the date, book title and sign.
· We have a huge focus on reading at Linden and we want your child to be able to practise the reading skills taught during our shared and guided reading. Your support with home reading is crucial to ensure the success of your child, and to encourage a love for reading. Diaries will be monitored. Dojo points will be given for those who keep their diaries up to date.
· Spelling Shed (or Edshed)– spelling tasks will be set on a weekly basis. Logins will be reissued for this year. Please ensure that your child is regularly logging on and completing these tasks to ensure accurate spelling which is key to achieving the national standard in writing.
· Handwriting – Linden has a new handwriting scheme called Letter Join. Each pupil has a log in. Children must practice joining and forming letters regularly. To make the national standard, pupils must form letters legibly, with speed and fluency.
· PPA – Year 6 teachers will have their PPA day each alternative Friday. During this time, your child will be taught by Mr Knibbs and Mrs Joshi. PE will still be taught so PE kits will be needed to be worn as normal.
· Water bottles – We no longer use plastic cups in school to help reduce plastic waste. Please send your child into school with a labelled water bottle. It is important your child has access to water throughout the day. Reminder – only water should be brought into school.
Useful Links
The links below will take you to useful websites that will support your child's learning.